environment and social services


Sustainable environmental management

It is our responsibility to conserve natural resources and protect global ecosystems to support health and wellbeing, now and in the future.

Promotion of climate resilient agriculture

We are promoting practices and systems that are designed to withstand and adapt to the impacts of climate change which include water management, soil conservation, crop selection and breeding ,integrated pest and disease

Advise Council on environment issues

Researching on all environmental issues and recording all activities and advising management, councilors and other stakeholder departments.

Departmental budget formulation and management

We draft department budget annually and ensure its implementation by enforcing penalties and engaging stake holders to pay fees and licences.

Implementation of income generating projects

We are promoting practises and systems that are designed to withstand and adapt to the impacts of climate change which include water management, soil conservation, crop selection and breeding ,integrated pest and disease

Promotion of mining and tourism activities

We are promoting mining activities by giving licences to mine operators as well as encouraging small scale miners to follow proper procedures in their mining activities. We are identifying potential tourists sites and advising council so that they are taken aboard.


Provision of social amenities

Provision of safe and clean water

Provision of civil protection services

Provision of educational and health services

Meet Our Environment and Social Services Manager

Jeremiah Bako